To see if your business type may already be represented, see the business categories page. If your business category is not represented, contact any member or email us to find out more.
Are there any fees?
Yearly dues are usually $100 (depending on the number of scheduled meetings), and there is a $35 application fee. The club’s treasury is used to promote the club, and no member receives a salary.
Do I have to live in Quakertown to join?
Membership is open to any business providing a product or service in Quakertown or the surrounding communities. You do not have to live in Quakertown, and your business does not need to be located in Quakertown.
Business Registration
Prospective members should fill out the membership application form. Membership starts after someone has attended 3 consecutive meetings and has been voted in.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us. If you have any questions, any current member can also answer them. We look forward to having you as a member of the Quakertown TIP Club.